What’s Better, CCTV or a Burglar Alarm?

By Jonathan Ratcliffe

Whether CCTV or a burglar alarm is better really depends upon your own particular circumstances. However, when it comes to home security, the best answer is the more the better. CCTV cameras and burglar alarms are both excellent home security products and have their own particular strengths. But if you had to pick CCTV or ... Read more

CCTV CostsWhether CCTV or a burglar alarm is better really depends upon your own particular circumstances. However, when it comes to home security, the best answer is the more the better. CCTV cameras and burglar alarms are both excellent home security products and have their own particular strengths. But if you had to pick CCTV or a burglar alarm, which one would it be?

CCTV narrowly wins because it offers all round security. Like a burglar alarm, its very presence is a brilliant deterrent and should prevent all but the most hardened and determined burglar. Where they differ their use during and after a burglary. A good noisy alarm might discourage burglars to stay too long in your house but they don’t offer any help to catch the offenders after the crime. CCTV however can be handed to police who can use it to help trace the culprits

CCTV offers a more all round home security solution than a burglar alarm but the best advice would be to get both.

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BY Jonathan Ratcliffe

Jonathan manages Marketing at CCTV.co.uk - with over 15 years experience in CCTV Installation - he writes as an Expert in CCTV Systems, News, Crime Rate Analysis and other FAQs

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