The PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation is a set of guidelines issued by the Private Security Authority in Ireland. The document contains the PSA licensing requirements for the installation of CCTV systems, aiming to aid the PSA’s licensing process for CCTV installers.
Established in 2004, the Private Security Authority (PSA) regulates the activities of those involved in the private security industry. It establishes, monitors and enforces standards designed to protect the interests of consumers.
The PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation are a reference which installers can use to ensure the systems they set up meet the required standards for performance and function. The requirements apply to installers of both digital and analogue systems.
What is covered in the PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation?
Points one to three
The first three points of the PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation serve as an introduction, laying out how the document should be used and providing a range of useful definitions used throughout it and the wider CCTV industry.
Points four to 12
Point four of the PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation provides an overview of the limits on CCTV operation. It highlights that the only restriction on the number of monitors and cameras is the operator’s ability to manage the system.
Point five explains location surveys. It lists the four areas a location survey must take into account: risk, contents, building, and supervision levels. This section also highlights the level of detail required in the location survey.
Point six deals with CCTV system design. It points out that the design phase needs to be informed by the user’s requirements as to the purpose of the images. This section also gives a detailed explanation of certain operator tasks, and the technical requirements needed for that task.
Point seven of the PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation lays out the basics of system design proposal submission and alteration.
Point eight explains the process of installation planning. In particular it delineates two main areas of consideration: the manufacturer’s recommendations and environmental considerations.
Point nine deals with the installation phase. It explains the competence levels required of staff hired to install a CCTV system, the quality of tools they need to be provided with and the health and safety standards that need to be adhered to.
Point 10 deals with the testing commission phase. It highlights the need for an inspection of the system to be carried out on completion of installation. It also explains the need for functional testing to ensure the CCTV system is operating in the way specified in the system design proposal.
Point 11 describes the ‘As Fitted Document’ which needs to be completed. This document needs to be an exact description of the CCTV system and equipment installed, as well as providing an explanation of any deviations from the system design proposal.
The 12th and final point of the PSA 2006 12 requirements for CCTV installation deals with maintenance of CCTV systems. It stresses that repair on CCTV systems has to be carried out by a contractor with a valid PSA CCTV Installer’s license. In addition, it highlights the client’s responsibility to arrange proper maintenance of the CCTV system, and details the records of maintenance that need to be kept.