Cctv Camera

Maintain or Fix? The Crucial Difference When Looking After Your CCTV Cameras

By Jonathan Ratcliffe

Maintain or Fix? Key Insights for Caring for Your CCTV Cameras When you get a new CCTV system installed, the chances are very good you won’t be thinking about repairing or maintaining it. After all, it’s newly-installed, and it should be in fine working order. However, this doesn’t mean it will always remain that way. ... Read more

Maintain or Fix? Key Insights for Caring for Your CCTV Cameras

When you get a new CCTV system installed, the chances are very good you won’t be thinking about repairing or maintaining it. After all, it’s newly-installed, and it should be in fine working order.

However, this doesn’t mean it will always remain that way. A storm could damage some of the equipment or cameras. A build-up of dirt could lead to a poor image. Wear and tear is likely to occur over time, too.

This brings up two areas worth thinking about – maintenance and repair. Should you invest in the regular maintenance of your CCTV system, or simply repair it whenever it is necessary?

Fixing issues means there is downtime before a solution is found

This might mean part of your CCTV system isn’t working as it should. It might also mean none of it works, particularly if there is an issue with the power supply, for example. That leaves you unprotected until the issue is resolved.

A CCTV system can only do its job if it is working properly. Even if a fast repair is possible, there will still be some time when your property is unprotected, in part or in full. Would you be happy with that situation, especially given you have invested in CCTV to provide security to start with?

Regular maintenance means there is far less chance of faults causing issues

While there are no guarantees, there is a much smaller chance you will run into any issues with your CCTV system if you invest in ongoing maintenance services. These should include proper cleaning of each camera, and all other parts of the system. Wear and tear can easily occur to exterior cameras, and regular maintenance services will ensure any such wear is seen and immediately rectified.

As such, the maintenance could prevent repairs from ever being needed. Problems will be spotted in the early stages, before they get a chance to cause a breakdown of one or more cameras, or another part of the system.

Which is the best approach?

It’s clear that maintenance is the best way to prevent the odds of breakdowns and other issues going against you. Your CCTV system is there to protect you. The only way it can do that is if it is in full working order. Regular maintenance will help make sure that is just what you experience.

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BY Jonathan Ratcliffe

Jonathan manages Marketing at - with over 15 years experience in CCTV Installation - he writes as an Expert in CCTV Systems, News, Crime Rate Analysis and other FAQs

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