The ICO Code of Practice for CCTV is a document that provides advice and guidance to users of CCTV in the UK.
Who is Responsible for the ICO Code of Practice for CCTV?
The ICO. The ICO are the Information Commissioner’s Office and are a non-departmental Government body that reports to parliament and are responsible for the Freedom of Information Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 and the Data Protection Act 1998. It is the latter that is of particular relevance to CCTV operators.
What is the Purpose of the ICO Code of Practice?
The UK is one of the world leaders in the use of CCTV and whilst the general public are used to seeing CCTV on virtually every high street and in a range of other public places, their use does raise wider privacy concerns. Because images of people are covered by the Data Protection Act as is the information that can be derived about them from the images, the ICO Code of Practice is a document that provides practical advice and guidance for CCTV users on how to comply fully with the Data Protection Act.
For more information, take a look at the full ICO Code of Practice for CCTV.