Home security is one of the most important things to consider when you want to protect your home and valuables from burglars. There are many things you can do to enhance the security around your property. Prickly hedges and rose bushes, gravel laid on paths to make a silent approach impossible, and a burglar alarm are all excellent ways to beef up your home security.
However, you might also wish to install home CCTV cameras. Many people do, opting either for cameras that cannot easily be seen or making them visible as a possible deterrent. If you are considering doing the same, the following tips might be useful.
Avoid dummy cameras
It seems like the easiest and cheapest solution. Yet most burglars will be able to spot a dummy camera quite easily, which defeats the object of having one. Real CCTV cameras aren’t that expensive; even a cheaper one is better than a dummy.
Don’t try and cover too large an area with just one camera
If you are going to install a camera at the rear of your property and you have a large garden, consider whether two cameras would be better. If you are set on having just the one, make sure you can control it remotely to monitor the whole area. Even then, you cannot cover it all at once, giving a smart burglar time to evade being filmed.
Consider night vision cameras if there is no light at night
If your property is surrounded by street lights this won’t be a problem. However, most rear gardens are shrouded in darkness at night, giving burglars the perfect opportunity to get close. Night vision CCTV cameras, perhaps installed along with security lighting, are the best option here.
Don’t infringe on the privacy of others
This is a vital point – and one many unwittingly fall foul of. You cannot position a CCTV camera so that it films a pavement or any other area beyond your boundary. To do so is to infringe on the privacy of anyone who might be using that area. The same applies if you position a camera so it catches part of your neighbour’s garden. You could be sued for doing this if someone objects. It is far easier to make sure your camera placement is perfect from the start.
Hopefully, these pointers will help guide you towards a better outcome when installing CCTV.