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Can I Use CCTV at Home?

By Jonathan Ratcliffe

Every time you walk around your town or city, you probably notice CCTV cameras. They monitor traffic, protect stores, warehouses, and other buildings, and help prevent crime. Yet you may not associate CCTV cameras with private properties. Plenty of people already have CCTV cameras installed at home. These range from a single static camera to ... Read more

Every time you walk around your town or city, you probably notice CCTV cameras. They monitor traffic, protect stores, warehouses, and other buildings, and help prevent crime. Yet you may not associate CCTV cameras with private properties.

Plenty of people already have CCTV cameras installed at home. These range from a single static camera to an installation featuring multiple cameras, all of which can be viewed and controlled remotely. So yes, you can use CCTV at home. The trick is in knowing how best to make it work for you.

Is it legal to use CCTV at home?

It is, but you must make sure the images you view on your camera are only those of your property and the land within its boundaries. It is illegal to point the cameras at the street or road beyond. If you do, you could capture images of people walking or driving past, which would break the law. Many people are unaware of this, so it is important to know the boundaries you must stay within if you are going to add CCTV cameras to your home.

Why should I think about using CCTV at home?

Most people who install cameras at home do so because they want to enhance their security. Perhaps there have been burglaries nearby, or other crimes they wish to prevent. While you can install one visible camera at the front of your property as a deterrent, it is best to install another one at the rear as well. Two cameras would ideally be the minimum you should have. If you own a large property, you may wish to install more than this.

The best way to protect yourself

Prevention is always better than coping with the aftermath of a crime. Cameras are a key way to do this. Many criminals will avoid targeting a property that has visible cameras installed. Don’t be tempted by a dummy camera either, since many experienced thieves will spot these and won’t be fooled by them.

Using CCTV at home is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your property. If the worst did happen, chances are you would capture images of the person or people responsible that you could pass onto the police, too. While nothing guarantees you will be immune from burglary, CCTV cameras do tip the odds in your favour in a big way.

Learn more about Home CCTV

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BY Jonathan Ratcliffe

Jonathan manages Marketing at - with over 15 years experience in CCTV Installation - he writes as an Expert in CCTV Systems, News, Crime Rate Analysis and other FAQs

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