Are CCTV Cameras useful?

By Jonathan Ratcliffe

We will obviously be biased somewhat, as we sell and install CCTV Systems throughout the UK – but lets take a step back shall we? CCTV is useful for two main reasons – monitoring and recording. A well set up system can be used to watch and record people, stock, animals, traffic, planes etc. This is useful ... Read more

We will obviously be biased somewhat, as we sell and install CCTV Systems throughout the UK – but lets take a step back shall we?

CCTV is useful for two main reasons – monitoring and recording. A well set up system can be used to watch and record people, stock, animals, traffic, planes etc. This is useful for many, many reasons – crime prevention, crowd control, safety, control etc.

So in that sense then very useful – and there are so many things you can use CCTV for, the list would be quite ridiculous.

So I guess the other side to the question would be: Why is it not useful?

There are groups in society that hate CCTV – campaigns have sprung up asking for it to be banned, and that councils take down CCTV from city centres. Well both sides of the argument are valid. However, this seems unlikely, especially with the current terrorist threats and the litigious nature of society today. So, I’d argue that when used correctly – there is more benefit than not.

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BY Jonathan Ratcliffe

Jonathan manages Marketing at - with over 15 years experience in CCTV Installation - he writes as an Expert in CCTV Systems, News, Crime Rate Analysis and other FAQs

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