2016: Is Wakefield safe?

By Jonathan Ratcliffe

Wakefield Central is an area right in the heart of Wakefield, which is a city in North West Yorkshire. The area is south of Leeds and east of Huddersfield. Official figures state that 723 crimes took place and were reported in the Wakefield Central part of the city in November 2016. Most of these occurred to the north-east of the centre of Wakefield.

Which crimes tend to occur more often in Wakefield?

Two crimes stood out ahead of all others when assessing the different types of crimes that occurred in the area over a 12-month period between December 2015 and November the following year. The first of these was anti-social behaviour, which accounted for nearly a quarter of all crime reports. 2,181 cases were reported throughout the year.

There was very little difference between this and the second-most reported crime, which covers violence and sexual offences. 2,144 such crimes were reported, adding up to 23.47% of the total.

Other crimes were far less common. For example, 454 burglaries were reported to police in the same year in this area, while just 134 bicycles were reported as stolen. Fortunately, possession of weapons was only recorded as a crime 37 times in the 12-month period, contributing 0.41% of the total.

As we can see, some crimes are more common than others. However, there is a lot everyone can do to prevent the chances of being a victim in one of these examples. Staying alert to our surroundings and making sure we take appropriate measures to protect ourselves and our property are both good ideas.

How can this information help us stay safe?

It’s helpful to know which types of crime are more likely to occur in an area, particularly if you’re living there or you are thinking of moving. If you live or work there already, it can prompt you to think about what you can do to increase your safety and security measures.

For example, have you checked your home security lately? Simple measures including the installation of security lights can make a huge difference. Closed-circuit television can make it easy for you to check on your property even when you’re not there. You can even get images of potential intruders if something does happen and your property is targeted.

Most people in Wakefield have no issues with crime, but as you can see, knowing which crimes are more common helps you understand how you can avoid them.

Photo of author
BY Jonathan Ratcliffe

Jonathan manages Marketing at CCTV.co.uk - with over 15 years experience in CCTV Installation - he writes as an Expert in CCTV Systems, News, Crime Rate Analysis and other FAQs